Monday, June 14, 2010

June 14: Sadly it's a school day

Today was sadly a school day. After a weekend of being a tourist it was not easy to try and switch back in the mode of schoolwork. After spending quite some time last night trying to figure out why facebook was being particularly annoying with photo uploading I finally went to sleep and got out of bed at 10:15am. This required some coaxing. I was awakened earlier by a heated debate over the internet between Jason and Peter, but when I asked them about it this evening they had no knowledge of such a debate, but Laura and I both heard it this morning. I had plenty of sleep and more than once my body tried to insist I arouse from bed earlier but I adamantly refused.

I can’t believe it is already the second week. Time is really going to fly by. Today’s classes were uneventful except for the handing out of the assignment sheet for the Jane Austen paper due on Thursday. It was revealed to be quite a bit longer than we anticipated, but it will be done sometime in the next few days. Our film paper is also due on Thursday. Tomorrow is our Jane Austen presentation. I met with my partner after classes today and worked on it a bit after returning here.

I find myself quite tired after a restful night sleep so I feel as though I may head to bed soon to prepare for the long nights ahead writing papers. There are very few photos today but a couple of the town as I walked back to the house after classes. I managed to make it back on my own after some confusion on meeting up with others. It is quite a miracle that I managed to navigate through the city after only a week, but I did!

I broke with my eating British things as my housemates decided on ordering Dominos for dinner. This proved that we are all not math majors and trying to calculate the divided cost with random coupons added was far beyond us.

As I prepare for bed Laura is diligently working on her papers for later in the week proving herself a much better student that I. I will consider it quite an accomplishment if I prove successful in writing drafts of my papers tomorrow.

small selection of photos from today

I also added a brief bit about a piano in the mansion and a group photo on yesterday's post

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