Monday, June 21, 2010

June 21: Is it really week three already?

Happy first day of summer everyone. If we were at Stonhenge today instead of last Friday we would have been greeted with quite the variety of individuals. Today was the beginning of week three, I can’t believe it. As Laura and I planned out the things we have left to do we realized how little time is left for us to do them in.

My first class was Jane Austen where we talked about social rank, status, and morals. I felt like I understood it more than usual and participated a great deal. Between classes I was proud that I made it to Reyman’s to purchase some dvds for pictures. My second class was a discussion on the film Another Country and concluded with the handing of our papers. He sufficiently worried most of us with his speech beforehand, but concluded by saying no one did poorly. I got an A- which isn’t bad, but it’s frustrating I can’t break into the true A range. But it’s done and I can just hope to do better on the final paper, however unlikely that may be.

Laura and I ventured to Iceland and M&S after class to get some food, but alas they failed me and did not have everything I need so I must venture to the true grocery store tomorrow after class. The majority of the evening was spent reading Emma and discovering that I don’t really like her as a character. She is in stark contrast to many of Jane Austen’s heroines and she seems to represent a different kind of female character who doesn’t aspire to marry and has a certain amount of money. I didn’t actually finish, but had to consult summaries for the ending, but as I was only required to finish Volume I, I still have time to truly finish.

No major plans for this week, but we shall see what the week holds. My roommate Laura is now sick (a different kind then mine) so I’m not sure how much adventuring will happen this week. Hopefully she makes a speedy recovery.

photos from today (starting with #7)

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