Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27: castles, polo, and all things welsh

Today is the father’s day feast at the Fulton Veasey’s. I am sad I’m not there, but hope you all are having a great time. Just because I’m not eating crabs doesn’t mean I didn't do something today so Laura and I ventured to Wales. It is only a short train ride away. Upon arriving in Cardiff, Wales we discovered we left the map back at our house. Great planning I know, but we continued on in the city and spotted the castle. It cost us a bit to go in and there were signs everywhere about the polo match, but we ventured on. Inside we watched a little video, just the two of us, that was quite weird. Upon its completion we went down some sketchy passageways and up to the wall. We walked around looking at all the different flags before climbing the steps to the keep. This was no easy feet as they were pretty steep and included a spiral staircase, which is easier to go up then down. Next was the mansion where we were allowed to take photos YAY but no flash.

For lunch I picked up some chips and a hot-dog (very American though the hotdog was very bizarre and I ended up not liking it). We then went back up to the wall and sat to take in the polo. Now these people who were actually there for the polo match sitting down by the field (we were elevated up at the wall height) were dressed like they were going to a wedding. Polo is a very proper sport. And as I said in the photo album I consider it a combination of croquet and soccer with horses. Though when they were doing it with the castle backdrop it made me think of medieval jousting. After the first match they had the people go out and level the grass where divots were formed – seems weird if it is such a proper sport but Amelia says the king and queen used to do it and it was considered quite an honor. We watched one game and then a British cowboy did a sort of between game show. A British cowboy seems interesting to begin with and he said lassoo instead of lasso, which was very funny. He further commented on how he went to Dallas to compete and I feel as though Laura and I were the only ones who knew what he was talking about. We had a very relaxing day and headed back to the train station at our leisure. There ended up being a hold up on route because two trains got stuck, but we arrived. On the train we heard updates about the England Germany World Cup Match. In Bath all the pubs were silent as people watched the game near the end. No riots in the streets tonight.

Back in Bath I got to talk to some lovely people: My Dad, Uncle Bob, Ren, Kendy, Uncle Michael, Frances, Granddad, Grandmom, Allyson, my brother for a brief moment, David, Uncle Michael T, and Granddad T. and see the wonderfulness that is the father’s day crab feast. So jealous! I hope you guys enjoyed it as well as the croquet and horse! We had our own fun chat in the little landing on the staircase. It was nice to just chat and ignore schoolwork, our unplanned hang outs are best. Homework is calling me now and I suppose I must give into it, or I may delay a bit longer with a shower ;)

photos from wales

p.s. the magic cookie bars that Ren and Kendy made looked great! Were they as delicious as they looked?

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